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Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome back my friends...

To the show that never ends. This is my first entry to a blog which I will use to discuss various topics. There is no hidden agenda. If I say something, it is what I mean. I will cover everything from current events, politics and religion to sex, drugs and rock & roll. The common theme for alll of my entries is that it will be my perspective. You are welcome to comment. In fact, I hope I am able to make your emotions boil and upset you so much on occassion that you do comment. I believe many will agree with my thoughts, but there should and will be those who disagree. If you would like to choose a topic, feel free to enter it as a comment and I will give my opinion.

My opinion does not matter more than yours in the big scheme of things. I am doing this blog because of this. If my opinion is no more valuable than yours, then by definition, yours is no more valuable than mine. The only difference is that I am committing my opinion to the written word, so it is harder for me to hide from my opinion.

I have not yet selected my first topic, but will let you know that if you want to follow this blog, you will need to select the follow option on this page, as I will not be doing e-blasts or anything else to market this site. Well, that is not exactly true, as I do have another blog which is topic specific, and I will provide a link on it to this one.

Stay tuned for my first entry in the next few days...

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