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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What a difference a couple of years can make.  It has been over two years since I posted on this blog. During that time, I have been through deaths, births, job loss, job searches, hired, quit, ups and downs of every description, and am in the middle of a divorce.  My wife is a good woman.  We simply have grown apart over the past few years, and now have nothing left in common other than family and a desire to move on in life separately.  For my birthday this year, I moved to my own house.  It has been a new experience for me, as I have never actually lived alone for any length of time.  As I come back to this blog, I have had to review each of my posts in an effort to remember what I have written. I can say that Obamacare is more scary now than it was when I first wrote about it, and I can say, more now than ever before in my life, honesty is ones most important quality.  Above all, I believe I remain an honest man.  There are many times in my life when I have been cheated or wrongly accused, but I knew that honesty was not the best policy, it was the only policy.  When you are wrongly accused, it may seem that the unfair treatment could more easily be stopped through less than honorable and honest actions.  DONT!  Even a small move off of honesty leads to miles of separation over a lifetime.  Honesty is a constant in an ever changing world, but can also become a part of that changing world if one is not ever alert to its loss.  I have recently had my honesty challenged by several life events.  A very good friend of mine has been hurt by the actions of others for no good reason.  There are things I could do, which, while not honest, could make things better for this friend.  I cannot do it.  I cannot be less than honest, even though it may add to the pain of my friend as well as the sense of  loss to me, as my friend has asked that I no longer make any contact.  I have, at least for now, lost a close and personal friend due to honesty.  But one thing I know.  Honesty will win out in the end.  As life continues to unwind, our paths will cross again, and perhaps our friendship will become stronger than ever before.  Until then, I will remain honest, keep my feet in the sand, my eyes on the road, and live life as an honest man must do... One day after another.

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